Personal Injury Law – Accident Injury Overview

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Accident Injury Overview

Having an experienced Accident Injury Attorney by your side is extremely beneficial when pursuing an Accident Injury case. Accident Injury attorneys help to recover damages resulting from the negligence of others with the intent to make the injured party “whole again.” If the incident involved malicious intent or gross negligence, then the injured party may also pursue punitive damages. Our Trial Professionals are a team of aggressive accident injury attorneys with over 80 years of experience in defending Accident Injury cases. Our goal with each case is to ensure our client receives every penny they are entitled to, as well as hold the at-fault party fully accountable for their actions. More about our Car Accident Attorneys in San Antonio here

Ways that our Law Firm can help our accident injury clients include: * Evaluate your case – Our Accident Injury Attorney will listen to the specific details of your case to determine if it will hold up in court. If your Trial Professional determines that your case has grounds to stand on, they will represent the case on your behalf.
* Assess damages – Your Trial Professional will assess the severity of your damages, and determine the best course of action in pursuing compensation. To do so, they must determine who is liable for your injuries. This can be an individual, a business, a property owner, an insurance company, or even a government entity.
* Advise you on alternatives – Once our Accident Injury Attorney determines that your case may be successful, they will advise you on how to proceed. Depending on the details of your specific case, this may mean going to court or settling outside of court.
* Gather Evidence – We will gather all pertinent evidence related to your case, giving you the best chance of success possible. This includes interviewing witnesses, visiting the scene of the incident, viewing police reports, or viewing surveillance footage. Our Accident Injury Attorneys even use private detectives to gather any evidence that may help your case.
* Provide full representation – Once the Accident Injury Attorneys take you on as a client, we handle every aspect of your case, such as filling out paperwork or filing documents. We remove stress during this difficult time by acting as a buffer between you and third parties, such as insurance companies or the police, so that you can focus on feeling better. We will argue your case on your behalf, presenting all evidence possible to prove negligence and to help you receive compensation.

Please contact our Law Firm as soon as possible after your accident injury, even if you cannot afford an attorney. We take each case on a contingent basis, meaning that we do not receive any payment unless your case is successful; meaning we don’t get paid unless you do. Even if you think that your accident was your fault, contact us immediately because there may be laws that you are not aware of that may contribute to another party’s negligence to your injuries. Our friendly, sympathetic Accident Injury Attorneys will walk you through every step of the process so that you are informed and feel confident in your case.

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